Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blurb: Urilift System

      The Urilift system is just one example of contemporary outdoor public latrines which have reached heightened popularity in Europe during recent years.  This system in particular has been designed particularly for its function rather than its form, but that does not mean it was created without aesthetics that are also ergonomically encompassing.  For example, the theme of curved forms and rounded edges appeal to the human form and comfort which is necessary for the Urilift’s users.  

      The Urilift system was created for patrons of local bars in Europe to have a proper place to relieve themselves whilst traveling home at night.  This leads to the systems most unique and functional aspect which is its hydraulic system.  The Urilift remains hidden during the day and normal traffic hours, but every night an attendant lifts it out of the ground by remote to present them to the streets.  This open design remains in slight controversy, but the users who would otherwise use the street are probably not inclined to complain.  

      Some other hidden systems that reveal themselves at nighttime have doors, which have caused more problems than solutions.  Such criminal activities like prostitution and drug dealing have occurred around those less exposed systems.  This lends another unexpected achievement to the open design of the Urilift system, security of equipment.  

      The main material of Urilifts is stainless steel which lends easy maintenance and durability to the system and hinders attempts at vandalism.  Coloring and decoration is sure to change with each location, but the general form is stainless steel which is a simple yet not unbearable way to have a widespread contemporary appeal.  Another functional design element is the systems top covering which is changed from location to location to mimic the street/sidewalk treatment in order to camouflage it.

      According to Urilift BV, the inventors of the Urilift, the system saves money (from prevention of damage to entertainment districts by unruly patrons), conserves water (can function from rainwater), is non-disruptive to local residents and retailers, can function during winter months (from heated pipes), and is easy and quick to install.  Due to the first systems popularity and effectiveness Urilift BV has developed several other systems including one suited for female and male use.  As the Urilift becomes more widespread it is expected to be common sight in many major cities including those in the US and Canada.

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