Friday, October 28, 2011
my contributions:
-contributed to signage in graphics group
-contributed ideas and helped brainstorm designs in graphics group
Thursday, October 27, 2011
My Thumbnail
My idea of signage has a slight humor to it just like our concept. Using the title of the exhibit to show the "journey" will make people smile while showing the concept very well.
My contributions:
I am a part of the graphics group where i have started on working on a final poster design and organized the signage ideas from the group and am starting to decide which one we are going to use. As well as participating in the graphics group i have took the task of gathering the proposal and all the thumbnails for Fridays class as well as editing small details within the proposal itself.
Kristy Stroud -
Monday, October 24, 2011
Proposal Group Contribution
- Gathering everyones ideas and refining them so that one main idea for the exhibit is channeled.
- This helps give the graphics and signage groups the ideas to formulate their designs for the exhibit
- When composing the exhibit since we have a clear idea of the concept we will able to help put the pieces together in a way that it is clear for the viewer of the exhibit.
- We will also be able to guide/support the graphics and signage groups so that again the idea of the exhibit reads as one.
Julie Russi -
Caitlyn Lyle -
Sunday, October 23, 2011
poster ideas
I am a really big fan of very minimal, simple posters. To me, they advertise very well. They are very dramatic, and draw a lot of attention. Especially with the use of high color contrast. I think using this technique in our posters, will benefit us greatly. Also incorporating humor into our poster is very important considering our topic is somewhat humorous to begin with.
journey to the john poster
this is a general idea of what we thought the poster could be like.
not too complicated but cute so people get the humor to it.
this is a simple design that incorporates the title of our exhibit.
we are going to keep editing it, but we just want people's opinions
on what we have so far.
support signage:
- we plan on using signage for circulation, labeling artifacts, information
throughout the exhibit, and introducing the exhibit.
description of other things we would like to include:
- using floor graphics to influence circulation: a wall near the entry way,
that has a roll of toilet paper, and on each sheet, there will be a map of
the exhibit to lead you through the space.
- poster
graphics group
Alex Pokas
Kate Ewen
Kristy Stroud
signage ideas
my ideas for the poster design is something very simple, but something that still catches your attention. I don't think it needs a lot of information, but enough to let the viewer know the basics about the exhibit and leave them curious. I also think it should be humorous, since our topic is a funny subject to begin with.
the first poster has a lot of contrast in it, and has very clean lines. it is easy to read and displays important information about the exhibit. the second poster is very simple, with just an image of the artists work and a small section including the name of the artist and valuable information. the last poster is more comical, but still simple and to the point.
for this project, I am working under the graphics group, and am also secretary for the group. this entails making the poster for the exhibit, recording out time spent working on the project, and possibly making a timeline that is relevant to the contextualized information.
Exhibit Proposal
Journey of the John
Presented by the members of Group 3:
Caitlyn Lyle
Alex Pokus
Anna Lance
Ashley Bennett
Sangni Qu
Kate Ewen
Mathew Weikert
Kristy Stroud
Julie Russi
Savannah Relos
Savannah Relos
Exhibit Proposal – Group 3 – IAR 540/222
Group 3 Members:
Caitlyn Lyle
Alex Pokus
Anna Lance
Ashley Bennett
Sangni Qu
Kate Ewen
Mathew Weikert
Kristy Stroud
Julie Russi
Savannah Relos
Proposal Committee:
Julie Russi
Caitlyn Lyle
Artifacts Committee:
Anna Lance
Savannah Relos
Ashley Bennett
Matthew Weikert
Sangni Qu
Graphics Committee:
Alex Pokas
Kate Ewen
Kristy Stroud
Artifacts Committee:
Anna Lance
Savannah Relos
Ashley Bennett
Matthew Weikert
Sangni Qu
Graphics Committee:
Alex Pokas
Kate Ewen
Kristy Stroud
Proposed Title:
Journey of the John
Concept Development:
We were all interested in the universal progression of interior spaces. In the beginning of this assignment, we began to focus on private settings throughout the home such as bedrooms, but we found that somewhat mundane. Then our focus shifted to lounging chairs, so we would still have the personable interaction but without limiting it to one space, but we decided that the act of lounging is not prevalent in all cultures and we wanted to expand our exhibit to something that affects all cultures. All lines pointed to something we use everyday and in some countries it is definitely taken for granted, therefore we ultimately ended with one of the most private and essential part of the home.
We are exploring the toilet throughout the world, its various cultural differences and change over time. The bonding element is the ever-present change throughout culture and how the views of public and private vary or remain the same. For our individual artifacts we're choosing the ones that best represent an obvious shift in privacy views. Our artifact is a piece that may be a taboo in this day in age; therefore we would like to shine a light on one of the most important features in a home, that has also become an obvious necessity to have in public. Toilets are typically overlooked and the actions going on are not spoken of. It is a personal endeavor and the outlook is it should be kept that way. As a group, we are enlightening our visitors on the view of public toilets around the world and speaking about the unspoken. As an individual goes through the exhibit s/he will be able to experience the views on how much privacy people is really needed in public. They will be able to understand how past and future civilizations still have the same views on privacy and how present ones may vary in design but still have the same levels of privacy.
We have been exploring different associations, websites:
Minimalist Poster Idea
For my thoughts on our posters I like the minimalist approach. The idea is that the signs will get the subject across easily as long as the subject matter is well represented in its minimal representation and that the viewer is somewhat familiar with the subject. While the subject of these posters are popular movies, our subject should be even more familiar to our viewers. Therefore I think a simple approach is the best action for showing toilets. No need to overkill advertising for such a commonly used subject.
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Signage Brainstorming
When thinking of ways to go with graphics for our exhibit i stumbled onto this first image which is one with basic shapes that are easy to recognize and it uses bright colors that draw attention to it in a playful and fun way that reflect our concept of the Journey of the John. While we need to keep our exhibit informative i believe that we need to make it playful and attention grabbing since that is parallel with our concept. The second image is full of color and layers of graphics, i think this is not minimal enough but i think some of the graphic layers, such as the simple shapes used to add visual interest to the poster, can be used in our overall graphics design. The third Poster i found to be a nice simple graphic that grabbed my attention in the slight use of color and texture to make the concept stand out. Overall i believe we should head in a minimalism direction but integrate color to add a slight humor to our signage.
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Poster Ideas
I really like the feel of these posters. I love things that look like a sketchbook (i.e., top right), because they add a little personal touch to it, and draw the viewer in to look at every little detail. The poster on the top left I love because it's simple, yet intriguing by using clean colors, a simple font, and different uses of scale. The posters on the bottom right and bottom left I was drawn to because it still had that handmade touch, but it also brought cleaner lines and fonts to the table.
This is my rendition of something simple we could continue to add to as the project moves forward. It's simple, with a personal touch [that would be less sketchy], and it brings all the necessary information to the table without being so in your face or too vague.
Poster Ideas Julie Russi
I think these exhibition posters are really successful because they very simple and yet capture the essence of what the exhibits are about. They are really powerful because of how the graphics and fonts work together, they don't compete with each other but instead are in harmony and read as one.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
exhibit precedent// MOCA~ suprasensorial: experiment in light, color + space kate ewen
this museum has so many amazing exhibits, I desperately want to visit. MOCA had an exhibit titled Suprasensorial which deals with experiments in light, color and space. the exhibits are of 5 installation pieces that reflect 5 influential artists. I believe that any museum is as interactive as this one, is entertaining for anyone. each section of the exhibit translates art from the 5 artists into engaging activities by focusing on human perception and sensation. the overall exhibit is intriguing by the scale, color, and materials used within all the spaces.
Exhibit: Caitlyn Lyle
I chose this exhibit because I'm drawn to exhibits that are interactive as well as entertaining. This particular exhibit doesn't necessarily look like an exhibit, but an experience. And that's what I love about it, you have fun and more than likely you wouldn't realize that you're learning something.
Savannah Relos
The Prison Toliet:
This is a toilet that is often looked over because most people don’t think about how inmates use the toilet. It has an interesting design and if we put it in our exhibit it would be something the general public has not seen before. I am thinking that along with this toilet we could also have pictures from movies and real life of people in prison and these toliets.
The Outhouse:
The outhouse is a standard toilet that most people would recognize. We could have a life sized model and have people walk through it and sit down. I think it would be awesome to have it smell like a toilet so the public could get the idea what it would be like to use one of these toilets. The outhouse has a lot of nicknames as well so I think having signs with all the different nicknames for the outhouse would be a nice touch.
The Mirror Toilet:
This toilet was made for London’s Tate Britain Museum. It is a toilet built outside and surrounded by one way mirrors. When you go in to the bathroom you can see everyone outside but nobody can see in. This would make a great exhibit piece and could definitely be an interactive site. The toilet inside also resembles a prison toilet so it connects to the Prison toilet piece as well.
Exhibit Precedent: National Museum of American History: "The Star Spangled Banner: The Flag That Inspired The National Anthem". Matthew Weikert
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- poster ideas
- journey to the john poster
- signage ideas
- Exhibit Proposal
- Minimalist Poster Idea
- Signage Brainstorming
- Poster Ideas
- Poster Ideas Julie Russi
- exhibit precedent// MOCA~ suprasensorial: experime...
- Exhibit: Caitlyn Lyle
- Savannah Relos
- Exhibit Precedent: National Museum of American His...
- Exhibit Precident Study - Kristy Stroud
- Exhibit Precedent: American Folk Art Museum “Infin...
- 3 Artifacts - Caitlyn Lyle
- 3 Artifacts Julie Russi
- precedent study: the grammy museum: alex pokas